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The theme of this podcast is the auto industry in its various spheres, so concepts such as governance, territory, development, innovation, work, workers and unions are central points in our debate. It is with this agenda that we choose our guests and audios, so you will find here from presentations to interviews that challenge the interviewee to dialogue with the audience. 

We are present on 7 podcast platforms (Anchor, Breaker, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic and Spotify), but you can see the summary, listen to the episodes and access "reviews" about them here on our website._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

We hope you have a great experience, that you like us on the platforms and that you follow us!


Aline de Oliveira Gonçalves #19 - Black Workers: Relationship between Color and Work in the New Automotive Industry in Rio de Janeiro

🗣️ Aline de Oliveira Gonçalves (Master in Sociology and Anthropology) was interviewed by Leonardo Ângelo da Silva (Dr. in History and Associate Member of BRAIN) about her dissertation (defended in 2007) and in which she analyzed black workers at Volkswagen de Resende /RJ


Aline de Oliveira Gonçalves #19 - Black Workers: Relationship between Color and Work in the New Automotive Industry in Rio de Janeiro

🗣️ Aline de Oliveira Gonçalves (Master in Sociology and Anthropology) was interviewed by Leonardo Ângelo da Silva (Dr. in History and Associate Member of BRAIN) about her dissertation (defended in 2007) and in which she analyzed black workers at Volkswagen de Resende /RJ

✅ Aline, in addition to black workers, makes a brief analysis of her trajectory,   draws a parallel between activism and research, talks about the strangeness felt and perceived in her fieldwork, thinks and analyzes the discourse of racial democracy and integration of blacks in factories. In addition, it gives us the dimension of the absence of sources on the racial theme and what it was like to do the research with this challenge. There are curious things that permeate the interview: how did the academic environment (mostly white) and how did the workers see and receive a black researcher?  Curiosx?   

❗ Watch and, if you want, like and share!  

1) Be sure to check out Aline's dissertation 👇🏽


2) If you want, you can check out the interview on Youtube 👇🏽

Pdc_Lucas Lemos
Pdc_Jose Ricado
Ana Paula
Vitor Boa Nova
Lucas Afonso

Aline de Oliveira Gonçalves #14 - The experience of a black woman at a public university in the early 2000s

 Aline de Oliveira Gonçalves (Master in Sociology and Anthropology) was interviewed by Leonardo Ângelo da Silva (Dr. in History and Associate Member of BRAIN) about his dissertation, defended in 2007.

✅ From entering the public university to her professional life, currently, a multitude of things have crossed Aline's experiences, a constant question? Education as a tool for transforming the trajectory and breaking with a family history in which the lack of opportunities and structural insecurity were present.

Aline revisits her story, talks about how she came up with the idea of taking a university entrance exam, her strangeness at the IFCS (UFRJ), her engagement against racism and how she found her research. From the activist student, from the activist who became a student for identity issues, social criticism and worldview… A revealing and powerful conversation!

Be sure to check out the dissertation 👇🏽 

Ana Paula Vasconcelos Gonçcalves #13 - Sociospatial Segregation: South Fluminense, development, inequalities and the automotive industry.

🗣️ Interviewed by Leonardo Ângelo da Silva (Dr. in History and Associate Member of BRAIN) in early August, Ana Paula Vasconcelos Gonçalves is a Doctor in Sociology from the Institute of Social and Political Studies of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (IESP-UERJ) and defended his thesis in 2020 (“Socio-spatial segregation in small and medium-sized cities: a case study of Vale do Paraíba Fluminense”).

👉🏽 In this summarized version of the interview, in addition to talking about her trajectory and how she arrived at the research topic, Ana Paula didactically explains the scientific methodology used in her thesis, relating it to the themes of “development” and the “automotive industry ”. It explores issues of the region and focuses mainly on the city of Resende, its social indicators, levels and gaps of transformation with the arrival of the automotive industry and the development discourse. 

Curiosities? Listen and, if you want, like and share! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

Marli Olmos #11 - An overview of the Brazilian automotive industry in the pandemic: present and future in crisis?

🗣️ Interviewed by Lucas Lemos Walmrath (Associate Researcher at Brain and Doctoral Student in Human Sciences - Sociology, PPGSA-UFRJ), Marli Olmos reflects on her trajectory as the main reporter in the automotive sector at Valor Econômico. With more than two decades of experience in this important industry, the journalist takes stock of the current scenario, how it got here and the challenges of the future, including the closing of factories that took place in the midst of the pandemic. The interviewee discusses social, economic, political and technological factors that explain, together, how the automotive industry still has great relevance for the Brazilian economy, and how Brazil will insert itself in the new global economic transformations that are reproduced by this sector, with currently highlighting public sustainability and urban mobility policies that permeate electric and hybrid vehicles.

Lucas Lemos Walmrath #10 - A conversation about Nissan, sociology and the South Fluminense automotive hub

Lucas Lemos Walmrath recently defended (at UFRJ) his master's thesis, supervised by Rodrigo Santos. The title was "The sociological rooting of the locational investment decision: Nissan's option for Resende (RJ)", with the dissertation defended, approved and received the due praise, we decided to invite him to the recording of our Brain Interview. In fact, we invite you to a challenge: to establish a dialogue with our audience on the theme of the dissertation, transform the series of readings that you did, tested hypotheses and elaborate analyzes in minutes of conversation, of

very horizontal dialogue. So, to whom it may concern, in this episode several questions become fluid and more evident, from the path taken by the researcher to reach the theme, the complexity of the automotive hub of Sul-Fluminense, the impact of Nissan's arrival in the region and how it had a "domino" effect, as it impacts life, work and even dealership sales strategies. All in all, it's worth a listen!

José Ricardo Ramalho #9 - Work, development and large companies in the South of Fluminense – a research balance

We share with you the presentation that Prof. Dr. José Ricardo Ramalho did it in the Development Studies Group of the South of Fluminense (GEDESF). As José Ricardo is a deep researcher and expert in the topics of the Automobile Industry, in this presentation he presents his own trajectory within this research theme, points out the variety of themes and research that have already been addressed, talks about the new automotive regime - 1990s, makes notes on the 2008 crisis and its contradictory effects, in addition to other issues such as "cheap work", new productive strategies and the impact of the pandemic. Finally, it closes showing the results of the search path. 

2020 Podcast Review: Brain Team #8

Through comments that permeate both the structural and subjective perspectives, the Brain Team comments on the podcasts launched in 2020. Leonardo Ângelo da Silva, Letícia de França Paes, Lucas Afonso, Lucas Lemos Walmrath and Tamara Anita Alves Lima Marques are coordinated by_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Raphael Jonathas da Costa Lima  (project coordinator) in this episode. Starting from a general and structuring view, passing through a more confessional tone and entering the panorama of the interviews, the team takes care to analyze and cite concepts, rehearses analyzes about each interviewee and exposes the dilemmas and reflections that each interview brought._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

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Global production networks, varieties of capitalism and development in the automotive hub of Sul Fluminense #7 - Cristiano Monteiro

In this episode, Professor Cristiano Monteiro Fonseca presents the above theme to the Study Group on Development of the South Fluminense (GEDESF). The episode was extracted from the presentation that the protagonist made to GDESF and in it he enters the sociological academic debate and demonstrates, among citations of authors and theories, a very peculiar and scientific view of the object of his analysis.

Re-spatialization of the automotive industry: perspective of a research professor #6 - Jacob Carlos Lima

Professor Jacob Carlos Lima has a long history in sociology, based on it, he collaborates with us on this podcast. He talks about his trajectory and   relates the look at his research objects to the material and family issues that guided his journey. The professor helps us to think about re-spatialization beyond a concept, beyond the automotive industry, as several "links" are activated in his explanation: from reflections on greenfield-brownfield to connections with the textile industry and in doing so, worrying about sociological thinking, proposing a more integrative view of when thinking about Brazil, which for him needs further research beyond the center-south of the country. The conversation was didactic and fluid. 

Possible impacts of Industry 4.0: a labor perspective #5 - Fernando Ramalho Martins

Professor Fernando Ramalho Martins is Assistant Professor at UNESP - Araraquara, Professor of the Professional Master's Degree in Production Engineering (MePEP/UNESP). Doctor in Sociology from UFSCar - Universidade Federal de São Carlos (2010), with a sandwich doctorate internship at the School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University, United Kingdom, from March to July 2009. Master in Business Administration from UFPR - Universidade Federal do Paraná (2005) and graduated in Business Administration from USC - Universidade do Sagrado Coração (2002). 

In this interview, he deals with the impacts of Industry 4.0 from the perspective of work, thus analyzing this change as a disruptive issue and reflecting on its effects, both in terms of new territorializations and, and mainly, on unions and workers' organization._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Displacement and construction of new productive territories in the automotive sector #4 - João Dulci

João Dulci combines several of his researches to extract the answers to our questions. It talks about Camaçari (BA) and Ford, it deals with the automobile plants of the South Fluminense region in the State of Rio de Janeiro and goes into questions about Mercedes in Juiz de Fora-MG. Concepts such as “greenfield”, “brownfield”, “sectoral greenfield”, “development” and “fiscal war” permeate the interview and, closing our meeting, the researcher addressed the topic of Covid and the impacts for the Brazilian automobile sector and the consequences for the country.

Switch to electric powertrain and the challenges for Brazil #3 - Mario Sergio Salerno

The interview was the result of a Live in which Professor Raphael Lima (UFF) also participated.  Salerno, in a clear and dialogic way, talks about his trajectory, his research and initial work at DIEESE and how who ended up studying the Brazilian automobile industry, in addition to exploring topics that permeate technology, innovation and electrification. In addition, during the interview, he reflects on the impacts of electrification on the Brazilian automobile industry and its social consequences. He tries to answer "where is the industry going

and its unions", in addition to dealing with the theme of the "connected car" and the data access policy (Brazil and the world). .

Triple Helix, E-Delivery, innovation, entrepreneurship and the automobile industry #2 - Marcelo Amaral

Marcelo Amaral holds a bachelor's degree in Economic Sciences from the Institute of Economics at UFRJ, a master's and a doctorate in Production Engineering from COPPE/UFRJ, and a post-doctoral degree from the Polytechnic School of USP. He was a visiting professor at North Carolina State University and a visiting researcher at Research Triangle Park in the United States. Specialist in Technological Innovation Project Management. The interview dealt with topics such as Triple Helix, E-delivery, innovation and entrepreneurship and challenged the interviewee to address these issues in a global and

national level, making it analyze the local scenario in the light of work and employability, governance and territory. The episode is very interesting and instructive because Professor Marcelo manages to be very didactic when positioning himself and considering. 

Marina Cordeiro #17 - Women in trade unionism: What they face to occupy historically male positions.

🗣️ Marina Cordeiro has a PhD (2013) and Master (2008) in Sociology and Anthropology (2008) from UFRJ and has a degree in Social Sciences (Bachelor and Degree) from the same institution. In this episode, she was interviewed by Luana Kristina de Jesus Nunes (a graduate student in Public Administration at the Institute of Human and Social Sciences at UFF in Volta Redonda).
Marina has experience in the field of Sociology with an emphasis on Sociology of Work and Development, Gender Issues and Public Policy, Sociology of Education and Teaching Sociology for Basic Education. She worked as a teacher of Elementary School I and II, High School, Higher Education, Extension Course, Lato and Stricto Sensu Post-Graduation.
✅ Marina gives an account of the experiences lived from her trajectory in the union. It traces the situations faced by women and the permanence of a hostile and sexist environment that, many times, makes it impossible for the companions to continue in the union. In addition, she talks about the insertion of these bodies in spaces, the agendas, the occupation of decision-making positions and the perspectives for the future.


❗ Watch and, if you want, like and share!

Marina Cordeiro

Raquel Henriques #18 - Employability and Professionals of the Future: Reflections of a Woman Leadership on the Automotive Cluster of the South Fluminense.

🗣️ In this episode we have Raquel Henriques: HR Manager at Jaguar Land Rover / Itatiaia and Active Member of the People's Commission of the Automotive Cluster of Sul Fluminense. Interviewed by Marina Cordeiro (Adjunct Professor of the Department of Social Sciences at UFRRJ and member of Brain) Raquel talks about her trajectory until arriving at Jaguar, deals with the Automotive Cluster, its structure and actions in the face of challenges and obstacles in the region, especially the that go through the question of the professional profile of workers. Thus, topics such as desired technical skills, specific knowledge of the sector and especially the "soft skill" (which involves both interpersonal intelligence and people management for teamwork) cross the conversation in the sense of building a vision of employability in the workplace. sector.

✅ Raquel also gives her view on working in partnership with universities and other educational training institutions and has an instigating dialogue with the interviewer about the role of diversity in the automotive sector. What is the place of female bodies in the factory? What is the relationship between diversity, competitiveness, consumer profile and factory workers? And does the generational cut influence? Curious? Be sure to watch, like and share this BrainTube video more!


❗Listen and, if you want, like and share!

Vitor Vieira Fonseca Boa Nova  #15 - Capital accumulation in neoliberal period: the Automotive Cluster as a political actor!


🗣️ Vitor Vieira Fonseca Boa Nova is a PhD student and Master in Urban and Regional Planning by IPPUR / UFRJ, specialist in Policy and Urban Planning by IPPUR / UFRJ, graduated in Architecture and Urbanism by FERP / UGB. He is currently dedicated to studies on development and the Chinese case.

✅ In this episode, Vitor develops a subject that appeared in the BrainTube episode (go to and check it out), which is  a *Accumulation of Capital in a neoliberal period: the Automotive Cluster as a political actor !*

Minimal state, fiscal war, planning and state, state and municipal developmental discourse are cut by Vitor's arguments… And he did not shy away from answering the question: what is the strength of the Automotive Cluster, as a political agent, in the South Fluminense region?_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Got curious❓


Be sure to check out the dissertation 👇🏽

Lucas do Amaral Afonso #16 - Local strategies of the automotive industries: a comparative study between Jeep (Goiana-PE) and Jaguar Land Rover (Itatiaia-RJ)

🗣️ Lucas Afonso (PhD in Sociology at UFF and Associate Researcher at Brain) was interviewed by Leonardo Ângelo (Doctor in History) about his comparative research between Jeep (Goiana-PE) and Jaguar Land River (Itatiaia-RJ)._cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

✅Lucas starts from his own story, explains his construction as an academic, citizen-researcher and demonstrates how the links between his research interests and the automotive industry met. Easy to speak, clear examples and good conversation, the interview was a class on scientific method and the dilemmas of research construction. 

It's worth listening, and if you want, like and share!

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About the author: 

Doctoral student in Sociology at the Postgraduate Program in Sociology at the Fluminense Federal University (PPGS-UFF). Master in Sociology (PPGS-UFF) and graduated in Social Sciences - Licentiate, from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro UFRRJ (2017).


Luana Nunes #12 - Estrangements and reflections on the universe, still masculine, industrial and academic. 

🗣️ The world has changed and new generations bring becoming. 

✅Luana, Graduate of the Business Administration Degree at Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), at the Volta Redonda Campus and Associate Researcher at the Brazilian Research in Auto Industry (BRAIN) is our interviewee for this month!

Luana talks about her trajectory, reflects on the generational change in the family perspective (both for studies, work, and for the construction of the feminine). As a woman-student-citizen, she explains how she sees herself within the academic space and how she became interested in the automotive sector, in addition, she weaves cross-sectional analyzes between the sector's issues and the female presence. 

❓ What is the place of female bodies in academia and factories? Does every empowering discourse of the feminine go towards an egalitarian construction? Were you curious? Don't forget to listen, like and  share this very special episode. 

Aline de Oliveira Gonçalves #19 - Black Workers: Relationship between Color and Work in the New Automotive Industry in Rio de Janeiro

🗣️ Aline de Oliveira Gonçalves (Master in Sociology and Anthropology) was interviewed by Leonardo Ângelo da Silva (Dr. in History and Associate Member of BRAIN) about her dissertation (defended in 2007) and in which she analyzed black workers at Volkswagen de Resende /RJ

✅ Aline, in addition to black workers, makes a brief analysis of her trajectory,   draws a parallel between activism and research, talks about the strangeness felt and perceived in her fieldwork, thinks and analyzes the discourse of racial democracy and integration of blacks in factories. In addition, it gives us the dimension of the absence of sources on the racial theme and what it was like to do the research with this challenge. There are curious things that permeate the interview: how did the academic environment (mostly white) and how did the workers see and receive a black researcher?  Curiosx?   

❗ Watch and, if you want, like and share!  

1) Be sure to check out Aline's dissertation 👇🏽


2) If you want, you can check out the interview on Youtube 👇🏽

PSA Peugeot-Citroën: Profit Strategies #1 - Raphael Lima

Professor Raphael Lima is Associate Professor I at the Universidade Federal Fluminense in the Postgraduate Program in Administration (PPGA) and in the Postgraduate Program in Sociology (PPGS), in addition he is Coordinator  of the Group de Estudos em Desenvolvimento do Sul Fluminense (Gedesf) of which Brain is a technological product.  In this interview he deals with the auto industry in the region, specifically analyzing PSA Peugeot-Citroën and its profit strategies , goes through topics such as the global value chain,  the influence of China and Chinese automakers and also considers the impact of the pandemic on the sector and its profit strategies._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

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